An organization can consist of multiple organization managers. You may add team members to help manage your organization more efficiently. Here's how you add additional people to manage the organization.
Note: Available on Enterprise Plan
Step 1. Once you log in to your EventX account you will be directed to the portal home page.
Under select organization, click the drop-down arrows to pick the organization you want to add more team managers.
Step 2. After selecting the Organization, go to "Team Management" then click on "Add Member" button
Step 3. A side bar for Add Organization Manager appears. Type in the email address, Contact number(optional) and may tick " I want to send SMS invitation to the user"
Click Send invitation button after.
Step 4. Your invited team member will receive an invitation email, he/she needs to click the action button to activate the role with signup or log in to EventX account.
You will find all the invited team members and their invitation status (Pending or Accepted) under the "Team Manager" tab. Team managers will be able to: