Method 2: Bulk Approval
Step 1. Filter "waitlisted" attendees according to status, and select all
Step 2. Click "Approval Action"
Step 3. Click "approve" or "reject"
Step 4. Confirm
Attendee flow after registration
- Fill in registration form
- Receive acknowledgement email after successful registration
- Acknowledgement email template is as below:

- Receive confirmation via email after being approved by organiser. If WhatsApp and/or SMS features are toggled ON for the event, the confirmation and reminder messages will be sent to the approved attendees.
- Confirmation Email

- WhatsApp confirmation message template sample (uneditable)

- WhatsApp reminder message template sample (uneditable)
Note: The 1 hour and 24 hour reminder message share the same template

- If your registration has been rejected by the organizer, the organizer will need to send you an email manually to notify you about the rejection. There are no automated emails to notify attendees who have been rejected.
How to edit the acknowledgement email template?
1. Go to "Email" > Select "Automated Email" > Select "Acknowledgement Email" under the list of templates.
2. Click the edit icon to be directed to the email template.
- Only applies to in-person event, NOT applicable with virtual event/hybrid event.
- Once this feature is enabled, it will apply to all registrations (except "add attendee to event")
- Only registered and waitlisted status attendees can be approved or rejected. You are unable to approve an attendee under Invited status.
- Confirmation email will be automatically triggered after organiser approves an attendee. If WhatsApp and/or SMS communication methods are toggled on, the approved attendees will also receive the confirmation and reminder messages via the respective methods.
- Organiser will need to send the reject email using the manual email flow once they have rejected a registrant.