Attendee Guide for joining the virtual event on EventX

Attendee Guide for joining the virtual event on EventX

To get the most out of an event on EventX, please read and familiarize yourselves with the below guideline:

A. How to log in

If it is your first time to join an event on EventX, you would need to create an EventX account prior to registering for the event.

To register for an event, please read this article: How to register for an event as an attendee?

B. Complete Your Profile

Creating your profile is an important step to ensure that you can network with other delegates.

Step 1: Log in to your account

Step2: Click Settings and then click Update Profile to customize your information, such as:

  • Name

  • Job Title

  • Organization

  • Country/ Region

  • City

  • Email

  • Contact Number

  • Photo (Square photo with no larger than 2MB)


Step 3: Don't forget to click SAVE when you are finished.


C. Attendee Viewer and Control Panel

Once you logged in to the event, you will land on the lobby page. From here, you can visit all the main areas of the event, such as





You can access the full event program including Live Sessions and On-demand videos here.



Attendees may also find the specified live session/ on-demand by selecting the tracks.


When there are sessions that start at the same time, the sessions will be displayed in a parallel position on the schedule page. The sequence from left to the right is based on the session end time. Attendees may click the arrows to browse which session they would like to join.



Picture in Picture

Picture in Picture function allows attendees to watch live session in floating video. Video is set to mute by default.


Attendees can click on the sound button to control the sound and can click another button to join the webinar live session.


Attendees can also click here to minimize the floating video.


Once there are concurrent live sessions and one of the concurrent live sessions passes the end time, a pop-up message will be shown and will suggest ongoing live sessions for attendees.


If there are several concurrent live sessions that are ongoing, attendees may click the "arrow" to browse different live sessions.


Exhibition Hall 

Explore the Virtual Booths and tables here – Filled with fun engaging features to allow exhibitors to showcase information, videos, and much more!

  • Company Information

  • Attached Files

  • Video

  • Booth Products

  • Chat with others via Booth Tables

  • Contact Booth Representatives


Attendees can find the booth banner, logo and tier name on the hall page and in some cases, attendees can see the booth description on the booth thumbnail.



Networking Lounge

If you got something to say, you can start interacting with others by either clicking the Join Discussion button for a specific group of people.

After clicking the "Join Discussion" button, you may turn on the camera and mic to start a virtual discussion with others.

By clicking the Start Matching button to you will get to meet someone new. The time limit is set by the organiser so this is a chance to show off your elevator pitch!




You can browse a list of speakers on the "Speakers" page



Clicking on a specific speaker would show you more details such as position, company, and other information. You can also find all sessions below which are related to the speaker.

Product List

Under the "Product List" page, You can browse a list of products showcased by each exhibitor.



Attendees can apply filters to find the products under specific categories.



Attendees may see the product detail by clicking the product image as shown below.




Under the "Sponsors List" page, attendees can browse a list of event sponsors on this page.



After clicking the sponsor image, it can direct the attendees to the sponsor's website.

D. People List, Messages, 1-on-1 Video call, Notification and Settings

Attendees can also find some features on the right-hand side, such as

  • People - You can browse a list of organizers, speakers, exhibitors, or attendee profiles.
                  - The real-time online and offline status of attendees can be found on the people list.                       So people can notice who is visiting the event site when the attendee's status shows                      online.
    There will be a green dot near a profile image to indicate attendee is online.
    When the profile image is without a green dot, meaning the attendee is currently offline. They are not browsing the event site.
  • Messages - You can check the direct message under the tab
                      -  You can upload and send a file up to 100MB per file

                      - Supported file format: doc, excel, txt, pdf, audio, video, zip, ai, any image format                                  (except svg)
                      - Supports up to 10 file attachments in each message
                      - Supports both desktop and mobile
                      - Recent files sent will be stored during event and can be used to send to other                                attendees
  • 1-on-1 Video call - Attendees may initiate a video call by searching the participants from People and clicking on the video call icon.
  • Notifications - This is where you will find the announcement from the organizer.

  • Settings - You can update your profile and change your preferred system language.


 E. Use Chat, Q&A, and Polling 

In all sections of the platform, there are three tabs on your right-hand side, which are:

  • Chat - It is a public chat room. Note that all attendees can see all messages. If you have wrongly sent the message in the public chat room or booth chat room, you can delete the message you have sent.

    NOTE: The Global chat and Networking Lounge chat message can accommodate up to 280 characters. When sending a message with more than 280 characters the message 'The message you are trying to send is larger than 280 characters' would appear in the chat message.

  • Q&A - It allows all attendees to ask questions to the speakers, moderators, and panellists when you are on the session page. Note that all attendees can see all the posted questions under the Q&A tab.
    In some cases. the submitted question will need to approve by the host/ speaker before being shown to the public. Attendees can find the status (Approved, Declined and Pending) under "My questions"

  • Polling - It is where to answer the polling questions created by the host or speakers during the webinar liveScreen_Shot_2022-03-24_at_9.55.16_AM.png


F. EventX live chat support

If you experienced any technical issues during the event live period, please feel free to contact EventX technical support by clicking the live chat button.

Mobile View Chat support
For mobile view, access the chat support on the sidebar.



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