Attendee Guide in joining the virtual event on EventX via Mobile

Attendee Guide in joining the virtual event on EventX via Mobile

When joining a virtual event using your Mobile, expect a difference in mobile view.

Here's a guideline on how to navigate using your mobile when attending an Event. 

A. How to log in

If it is your first time joining an event on EventX, you need to create an EventX account prior to registering for the event.

To register for an event, please read this article.

B. Complete Your Profile

Creating your profile is an important step to ensure that you have the right information when networking with other delegates.

Step 1: Log in to your account

Step2: Click Menu (upper left corner) and then click Update Profile to customize your information.

Step 3: Start updating or filling in the following Personal information.

  • Name

  • Job Title

  • Organization

  • Country/ Region

  • City

  • Email

  • Contact Number

  • Photo (Square photo with no larger than 2MB)

    C. Attendee Viewer and Control Panel

    Once you logged in to the event, you will land on the lobby page.

    NOTE: Be reminded that the mobile view Lobby differs from the desktop view and there will be instances when the lobby is blank.

    To navigate to different tabs from the Lobby, click on the MENU icon in the upper left corner.

    After clicking you will be able to see the Event pages on the left.


    D. Exhibition Hall

    Explore the Virtual Booths and tables – Filled with fun engaging features to allow exhibitors to showcase information, videos, and many more!

    • Company Information

    • Attached Files

    • Video

    • Booth Products

    • Chat with others via Booth Tables

    • Contact Booth Representatives

      E. Networking Lounge

      If you want to widen your network, you can start interacting with others by either clicking the Join Discussion button for a specific group of people.

      You may also click the Start Matching button to meet someone new. A minimum of 15-minute to 120 minutes time limit is what you have, so this is a chance to show off your elevator pitch!

      F. Schedule

      You can access the full event program including Live Sessions and On-demand videos on this page.

      G. Speakers

      Browse and get to know the event speakers.

      H. Product List

      You can browse a list of products showcased by each exhibitor.

      I. Sponsors

      You can browse a list of event sponsors here.

      You can also find some features above, such as

      • People - Under this, you can browse a list of organizers, speakers, exhibitors, or attendee profiles.

      • Messages - If you have started a conversation with anyone on People List, the conversation will be kept here.

      • 1-on-1 Video call - Attendees may initiate a video call by searching the participants from People and clicking on the video call icon.

      • Notifications - This is where you will find the announcement from the organizer.

        J. EventX Live Chat Support

        If you experienced any technical issues during the event live period, please feel free to contact EventX technical support by clicking the live chat button.

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