Check-in App Error Messages

Check-in App Error Messages

When using the Check-in App to scan attendee QR Codes, certain scenarios will trigger different error messages to notify the user on the current status of an attendee or the reason for the error. The list below states the scenario and the corresponding pop-up message in the check-in app. 

Pop-up Message
Attendee has been blocked by the organizer. 
Sorry this attendee has been blocked, please contact organiser.
Attendee cannot be found in the attendee list.
Sorry, this attendee is not inside attendee list, please double check again
Attendee cannot be found in the breakout session.
Sorry, this attendee is not permitted to this session, please double check again.
User tries to check-out an attendee with no check-in record.
Sorry, this attendee is not yet check in, you cannot proceed to checkout directly.
User tries to scan an invalid QR Code using check-in app. 
Sorry, this QR Code is not compatible with EventX system, please use the valid QR Code.
User tries to scan a test namebadge QR Code. 
Testing badge scanned, please check-in with attendee QR Code.
There is an unknown error that has occured.
Sorry, unknown error occured
Attendee has been removed from the attendee list.
Sorry, this attendee record has been removed, please check with organiser.

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