Create Booth Content Templates

Create Booth Content Templates

Creating booth content templates allows users to enforce a standard layout and look and feel across the entire website.


  • Content template heading title and section type edits can only be done by the Event Organizer.
  • You may add multiple content types under each section

To set up the booth content templates, please do the following steps:

Step 1. On the organizer portal click on the Exhibitor Booth tab.

Step 2. Click the Content Templates tab. Then click + Create Template.

Step 3. After clicking Create Template, it will then load the Create Booth Content page to add booth content templates. 

Note: At least one section has to be included for each Booth Template.

The organizer can change the Heading Title for each Section by clicking on the text box.

Step 4. You may also add multiple contents to the corresponding section. Please refer to the available Content types below.


Recommended dimensions are 1920 x 1080px (16:9)

Maximum file size of 2 MB



Image set 

Recommended dimensions are 1920 x 1080px (16:9)

Maximum file size of 2 MB

Display as Vertical or Carousel (For Carousel, speed and autoplay can be selected)




Recommended upload encoding settings:

  • Maximum upload file size: 50MB
  • Dimensions: 1920x 1024px (16:9)
  • Format: mp4 (Video Codec H.264)
  • Bitrate: Less than 2000 kbps
  • Resolution: Less than or equal to 720p

Downloadable Files

Allow exhibitors to upload files that can be downloaded by attendees.

Maximum file size of 10 MB



Allows exhibitors to add text content such as booth information or introduction.


Step 5: To add sub-sections into a section, click on the "+" icon. To add a new section, click +Add Section.


To delete a section or content type, you can click on the rubbish bin icon in the bottom right.


Step 6: After setting up the content template, click Save Booth Content.


Organizers can edit the booth content template name and save it. Note that a maximum limit of 60 characters is supported.


Once back to the Content Templates page, you can see the template you added.

To move  a section upward or downward by  clicking on the upward/downward arrow sign.


Organizers can still edit the template by clicking the pencil icon and delete it by clicking the rubbish bin icon on the Content Template page.


Once the organizer or booth exhibitors edit booth content successfully, the booth content will be shown on the event site as below


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