Downloading Fail Record On Attendee List

Downloading Fail Record On Attendee List

When performing bulk importing and also bulk update on the attendee list, organizers will be able to know more regarding the reason of invalid attendee imports. This can be done by downloading the failed record. 

Use Case:

  1. When organizer imports a new batch of attendees or bulk updates the current attendee list, there will be an error message that alerts the organizer that there are a certain number of attendees that are invalid. 
    1. For Bulk Importing Attendees 

    2. For Bulk Update

  2. To view the reason that the attendee is invalid, click "Download Fail Record".
    1. Once the CSV file is downloaded, scroll to the right to view the column labelled as "failedReason". Organizers will be able to view the reason under this column. 

List of Failed Reasons

For Bulk Update:

  1. ATTENDEE_ID_INVALID - Invalid attendee ID
  2. EMAIL_INVALID - Invalid email address
  3. UNKNOWN_FIELD_ID - Related to wrong custom field ID in the CSV File header
  4. RADIO_GROUP_OPTION_NOT_FOUND - Related to invalid input for single choice field 
  5. DROPDOWN_OPTION_NOT_FOUND - Related to invalid input for dropdown field 
  6. CHECKBOX_GROUP_OPTION_NOT_FOUND - Related to invalid input for consent text field 
  7. TICKET_CLASS_NOT_FOUND - Related to invalid ticket class name 

For Bulk Import:

  1. EMAIL_MISSING - The email field is blank. (Only applies for non in-person events)
  2. EMAIL_INVALID - Invalid email address 
  3. UNKNOWN_FIELD_ID - Related to wrong custom field ID in the CSV File header
  4. RADIO_GROUP_OPTION_NOT_FOUND - Related to invalid input for single choice field 
  5. DROPDOWN_OPTION_NOT_FOUND - Related to invalid input for dropdown field
  6. CHECKBOX_GROUP_OPTION_NOT_FOUND - Related to invalid input for consent text field 

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