Event Data Analytics 101

Event Data Analytics 101

What is Data Analytics?

Analytics is the process of discovering, interpreting, and communicating significant patterns in data. . Quite simply, analytics helps us see insights and meaningful data that we might not otherwise detect.

Analytics tracking events are only being tracked under in-event site (after clicking the Enter Event button, the URL path under /e/ path)


What events (User activities) can be tracked?

Categories Event_type Definition
Global page view Fired when user visited the page URL
Global page ping

User staying time - Tracking criteria:

- The tab is in focus and with user activities like cursor moving, scroll within the timeframe

- The tracking event is being fired for every 10 sec

Global nav_custom_item_clicked User clicked the custom page items in the top navigation bar
Webinar Details page stay User clicked the custom page items in the top navigation bar
Webinar Details page Hand rais

User staying time in webinar session

- It is specific to cater the scenario that users watching webinar session without other activities that cannot be handled by pp

- The tracking event is being fired for every 60 sec

Lobby banner_video_play_clicked User clicked to play the banner video in Lobby design
Lobby banner_video_pause_clicked User clicked to pause the banner video in Lobby design
Lobby banner_link_clicked User clicked the link in the Lobby design
Lobby banner_image_clicked User clicked the image in the Lobby design
Booth Details page entered User entered the booth details page
Booth Details page - Booth Design design_video_play_clicked User clicked to play the banner video in Booth design
Booth Details page - Booth Design design_video_pause_clicked User clicked to pause the banner video in Booth design
Booth Details page - Booth Design design_link_clicked User clicked the link in the Booth design
Booth Details page - Booth Design design_image_clicked User clicked the image in the Booth design
Booth Details page content_file_download_clicked User clicked to download a file in the Booth content
Booth Details page content_video_play_clicked User clicked to play a video in the Booth content
Booth Details page content_video_pause_clicked User clicked to pause a video in the Booth content
Booth Details page representative_dm_clicked User clicked to initiate a direct message chat with the Booth Exhibitor/Representative
Booth Details page chat_table_joined User clicked to join a video chat table
Product Details page detail_video_play_clicked User clicked to play the videos in the Featured Images/Videos part
Product Details page detail_video_pause_clicked User clicked to paused the videos in the Featured Images/Videos part
Product Details page detail_media_thumbnail_clicked User clicked to paused the videos in the Featured Images/Videos part
Product Details page detail_file_download_clicked User clicked to download a file in the Downloadable Files


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