How does a speaker join the rehearsal before the webinar live?

How does a speaker join the rehearsal before the webinar live?

Rehearsal mode allows the Host and speaker to be in the session without having to click on start session and explicitly clicking end session. They may use other features to do testing like a screen share, PDF file share, emojis, video, audio testing and background effects.

Important Reminder:

  • Chatroom, session recording and Session Replays are disabled in the rehearsal mode.

  • The rehearsal function is only available to EventX webinar live streaming tool.

  • Third-party webinar tools such as YouTube, Zoom and Vimeo are not supported.

  • When encountering connectivity issues in joining a webinar, you may refer to this article  How to check current bandwidth on my device?

  • To have the best webinar experience and avoid audio issues we highly recommend using a headphones or headset with external mic when joining or speaking for a webinar session.
  • When sharing screen during a rehearsal/webinar session, we suggest the host/speaker to maintain a stable network condition (suggested upload bandwidth is 30 mbps)
  • The Host/speaker must avoid running other intensive application in his computer.

To join the rehearsal, the speaker needs to go through these steps:

Step 1: The speaker needs to be logged in using the same email that was used to sign up as a speaker to join the rehearsal, can refer to here

Step 2: Click on the rehearsal link that you received from the Host. Then you will be re-directed to the rehearsal.

The Sidebar:
The Public chatroom, Raise hand and Video library side bar shows instructions on how to use the specific features.



Background Effects- Change or blur your background on screen using the background effects feature.

  • This is only available on the Chrome browser for computers/Laptop
  • It's not available in other non-Chrome browsers & mobile
  • You can choose from 3 levels of blur background.
  • There are 5 default virtual backgrounds to pick from.
  • You can also upload your customized background



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