How to add host/speakers to specific Webinar Session and send invitation emails?

How to add host/speakers to specific Webinar Session and send invitation emails?

There are three ways to add speakers to sessions as described in methods 1 to 3.


  • Once added speaker email, the organizer cannot edit or change the email address.

  • Adding speakers will not trigger speaker invitation emails automatically. The organizer will need to send out the speaker invitation email manually by clicking on Long Press To Send as described in the steps below.

  • If the speaker has more than one email address, suggest asking in advance which email will be the one to log in to the event as a speaker.

  • Only 12 speakers can be added in a single session.|

Method 1: Add host / speakers directly when you are creating or editing a session.

Step 1: Under "Host & Speakers Information", click on "Speaker Information" field and it will expand to speaker list. To add a new host, simply click on "Host Information". 


Step 2:  To add a new speaker, click on the  "+ Add" and simply fill in speaker's Full name, Email address and Contact Number. Then click on "Save". Note that the same method can be used to add a new Host. 

Note: The first name and last name will be combined automatically.

Once the Save button is clicked, click Add Selection and click Save. There will be a pop-up message to notify you that the session has been updated. Click Next > Long Press To Send to send out the invitation email immediately. To send the email later, click Do it Later.

Step 3: You can further update the host/speaker information or resend a speaker invitation in Hosts & Speakers tab under Actions.
To edit the host/speaker information, click the pen icon and click "Save" after editing.

To send/resend the invitation email, click the mail icon to Resend the Invitation Email. Then, click Long Press To Send.

Method 2: Add host/speakers and fill in the information in the Hosts & Speakers list

Step 1: Go to Host & Speakers page and click on  "+ Add a Host/Speaker"

Step 2: Fill in speaker information and click on "Create"

Note: The first name and last name will be automatically combined. 

Step 3: Go to the Webinar Sessions page and select a session, then click on the speaker information or host information field and assign the host/speaker(s) from the list.

Step 4: Click on "Add Selection" to confirm and click on "Save" to save changes.

Step 5: Once the changes have been saved, there will be a pop-up message to notify you that the session has been updated. Click Next Long Press To Send to send out the invitation email immediately. To send the email later, click Do it Later.

Send / resend invitation email to host/speaker(s)
Steps to send / resend the speaker invitation email

Step 1: After adding speaker(s), go to Host & Speakers page

Step 2: Click on the "Send Invitation Email" icon on the speaker profile to send out the speaker invitation email

After sending an email, the button will change to "Sent".

Organizers can check the speaker status in the People List.

Method 3: Add speakers instantly during webinar session

Useful remarks: Hosts can use +Add Speaker Instantly function days before the webinar sessions start to make it convenient for speakers to use a one-click Join now button.

To use +Add Speaker Instantly function:

If the webinar session is already ongoing, invite the speaker to instantly enter the webinar session in a few steps.
1. Click the "Participants" icon from the interactive tools on the right

2. Under Host & Speakers, click +Add Speaker Instantly

3. Add the speaker's Name and Email then click Send Invitation button.

4. Speaker will immediately receive an email with the subject: Invitation to {{Event Name}}

5. Speaker clicks Join Now button and he will be brought to the webinar session instantly


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