How to Edit Virtual Booth Design?

How to Edit Virtual Booth Design?

To edit virtual booth design, follow these steps:

Step 1: Login to using your invited email as an exhibitor.

Step 2: Under exhibiting tab, find your booth and click Edit Design.


Step 3: Edit virtual booth background for Desktop View

  • For desktop view, under Edit Booth Design, go to Virtual Booth Design. You may choose from the available templates or Upload Custom Background.

  • Upload custom background - Optimal dimensions 1920 x 1200px and 2MB or less or video with 50MB less

Step 4: You may also add images, videos, or clickable areas by dragging and dropping the elements on the right.

  • Image - you may insert an external link or internal page (eg. halls, networking lounge, products, etc.), Attendees will be directed to the external link or internal page once they click the image.


    Attendees will direct to the external link once they click the image.

  • Video - Up to 100MB video can be uploaded. You may turn on the Auto Play button if you wish to play the video automatically.Video.gif

  • Clickable Area - you may insert an external link or internal page (eg. halls, networking lounge, products, etc.), Attendees will be directed to the external link or internal page once they click the area

    Attendees will be directed to the external link once they click the image.

Step 5: Edit virtual booth background for Mobile View

  • Image - Optimal dimensions 1920 x 1080px and 2MB or less. 

  • Video - Up to 50MB. 

  • A maximum of 5 images or videos can be uploaded.


  • Remember to click the SAVE button when doing some changes.

  • For Multiple Content-Language, please refer to Add multi-lingual content.

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