


Livestreaming refers to the real-time broadcasting of video content over the internet. It allows individuals and organizations to share events, presentations, performances, or any other form of video content with an audience that can tune in remotely.

Here are some key points about livestreaming:
  1. Real-Time Interaction: Livestreaming enables real-time interaction between the content creator and the audience. Viewers can engage through comments, likes, shares, and other interactive features, creating a sense of community and engagement.
  2. Wide Reach: Livestreaming expands the reach of your content beyond physical limitations. People from different locations can access your livestream and participate in the event or experience remotely, increasing your potential audience size.
  3. Accessibility: Livestreaming allows individuals who are unable to attend an event in person to still be part of it. This can be particularly valuable for those with mobility constraints, time constraints, or geographical limitations.
  4. Cost-Effective: Livestreaming can be a cost-effective solution compared to organizing physical events or conferences. It eliminates the need for venue rentals, travel expenses, and other associated costs. It also reduces the carbon footprint by minimizing travel requirements.
  5. Flexibility and Convenience: Livestreaming offers flexibility in terms of timing and location. It allows people to tune in to the livestream from their preferred device, whether it's a computer, smartphone, or smart TV. This convenience makes it easier for viewers to participate and engage with the content.
  6. Analytics and Data: Livestreaming platforms often provide analytics and data insights, allowing content creators to understand viewership patterns, engagement levels, and other metrics. This information can be valuable for future event planning, content improvement, and audience targeting.

Checking The Current Bandwidth On Your Device

When you are facing issues when hosting, watching the webinar session or doing networking in EventX event, one of the possible reasons might be due to bandwidth or network instability. To verify the root cause, you can check the following:

Browser: Using the latest version of Google Chrome, Firefox, MS Edge, or Safari 

Internet speed:

Signal Strength Indicator for networking tools

When joining the Networking lounge tables, Booth lounge tables, 1 on 1 video calls and Speed networking you will notice a network signal indicator on the upper left corner.

Signal strength has 4 levels (Weak, Fair, Good, Excellent). When you hover on the icon, it will show how strong your signal is.



How to increase bandwidth?

  • Internet plan

    • Getting higher Mbps plan has better performance while streaming video with lots of content.

    • Recommended bandwidth on hosting or attending a live webinar session

      • Participating in a live session requires fast connection and strong processing power for optimal streaming speeds. In addition to having a stable connection, we recommend the following bandwidths for hosts, speakers and attendees;


        Minimum Upload

        Minimum Download

        Hosts & Speakers

        30 Mbps

        10-12 Mbps


        10 Mbps

        10-12 Mbps

      • For Organizers
        • Here are the recommendations for your devices:
          • Browser: Latest version of Google Chrome, Firefox, MS Edge, or Safari
          • Operating system: Windows 7+, Mac OS X 10.7+, or Ubuntu 10+
          • Network: Internet connection with 5+ Mbps
          • Closing other tabs, browsers, and/or programs during live sessions may maintain the streaming stability.
  • Router

    • Limit the number of devices connected to the network and moving your device closer to the router could improve your internet connection. If possible, try to reboot router to strengthen internet signal and connection.

  • Wired

    • If WiFi connection does not help improve bandwidth, suggest to connect your device with a wired network. It helps prevent bandwidth and connection issues from other devices.

Checking Browser Settings Before Joining An Event

When joining an event make sure to use the supported browsers

  1. Safari 
  2. Chrome
  3. Firefox
  4. Microsoft Edge

Joining an event via Safari

- Please toggle off “Prevent Cross-Site Tracking”

On iPhone

Step 1: Go to your phone settings and choose Safari. 

Step 2: Toggle off "Prevent Cross-Site Tracking"

On Macbook

 Step 1: Go to Safari on the menu tab and choose Preferences.

Step 2: Unclick Prevent cross-site tracking in the pop-up window.

Joining an event via Chrome - Mobile

On iPhone

Step 1: Go to phone settings and select Chrome. 

Step 2: Toggle off "Prevent Cross-Site Tracking"

On Android

  1. Using normal mode in Chrome browser on Android devices can join the event without changing any default settings.
  2. Using Chrome incognito mode in Android, need to turn off "Block third-party cookies" to join the event.

Joining an event via Firefox

  1. Using normal mode in Firefox browser on Mac and Windows can join the event without changing any default settings.
  2. Using Firefox new private window in Mac and Windows will need to toggle off “Enhanced Tracking Protection” to join the event.

Step 1: Go to the highlighted icon next to the link.

Step 2: Toggle off “Allow Cross-Website Tracking”

Joining an event via Microsoft Edge

  1. Both using normal mode and New in Private window in Microsoft Edge browser on Windows can join the event without changing the settings.

Join A Livestreaming Session As A Speaker

How To Join An Event As A Speaker?

Reminder: To have the best webinar experience and avoid audio issues we highly recommend using a headphones or headset with external mic when joining or speaking for a webinar session.

When joining an event as a speaker, just follow the given steps:

Step 1: The organizer sends you a specific invite given the special role of a speaker through your email.


Step 2: Notice that you are invited to join as a speaker. Scroll down to find the button that says "Activate Role".



Step 3: Once you click the "Activate Role" button, you will be directed to the event site and Log In page. 


Step 4: As the system has already automatically created an account once the organizer has input the speaker's email address, you will have to click either Email Me A Login Link or Forgot password. 

  1. By clicking Email Me A Login Link
    1. The speaker will be directed to enter their email address and click Send Login Link.
    2. A login link that is valid for 15-minutes will be sent to the entered email address. Note that the 15-minute time window is the valid period of the link, not the period that the user can be within the event site. 
    3. By clicking Log in Now, you will be directed to the registration form as covered in step 5. 

  2. By clicking Forgot password 
    1. You will be directed to enter the email address and click Send Verification Code.
    2. By clicking Send Verification Code, you will receive an email as below. 
    3. Enter the verification code, enter your new password and click Reset Password.
    4. There will be a pop-up message on the top right corner of your screen and you will be directed to the log in page. Simply enter your new password and click Log In. You will then be directed to the registration form.

Step 5: After you signup, you would be asked to fill up a registration form. Completely fill out the form with your details and click "Register".

Step 6: You are now logged in to your EventX account. This page would show you all upcoming events which also indicates if you have a role to play such as a speaker. 


  • Your account may join as a speaker or just an attendee.
  • For accounts with multiple organizations, click the dropdown arrow to pick one.

Step 7: When joining as a speaker you'd need to click "Go Backstage". You may also enter backstage anytime for you to check the functions available for use during the sessions.

From backstage, you will now see this view. Additional frames will appear when co-speakers/hosts have also entered.


Navigating Through The EventX Webinar Live Streaming Tool As A Speaker

When speaking for an event using EventX Webinar Live streaming Tool, there are some points that need to be remembered.

Ways To Prepare Before Joining An Event

Want to have a smooth, hassle-free event? Ensure that everything works well before the event day.


Using the HTML5 compatible browser such as Edge and Safari or the latest versions of Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox on your laptop or computer guarantees the best experience, especially if you are an Organizer or Speaker.

It is also highly recommended to join an event using a Laptop or Desktop rather than mobile for a better viewing experience.

Note: Sometimes, third-party extensions can affect the experience by blocking some of the EventX interface elements. That’s why we also recommend opening the event in Incognito mode (command+Shift+N on macOS or Ctrl+Shift+N on Windows) on Chrome or Private tab (command+Shift+P for macOS or Ctrl+Shift+P for Windows) on Firefox.


When using mobile devices the experience will be limited for Organizers or Speakers but sufficient for event attendees. In case the mobile device is the only thing you have, we recommend opening the event link on a Chrome browser and not on your mobile phone's default browser.

Check the internet

Video and audio streaming is heavy on the internet that's why we recommend running a speed test (e.g. and making sure you have at least 10Mbps+ on Download and 30 Mbps+ Upload speed for the best experience across the event.

Tip: Mozilla Firefox works best for low-bandwidth internet connections for laptops or computers.

Check any settings on top of your internet

Some over-the-internet settings affect the experience and can prevent you from getting the best experience. Please make sure to turn off VPN, proxy, or Firewall while organizing, attending, or speaking at the event on EventX platform.

System requirements for accessing the platform

Video streaming requires processing power. Please make sure you are using a Desktop, Laptop, or mobile with the following specs.


  • Windows 7 or above

  • MacOSX 10.10 or above

  • HTML5 compatible browsers such as Edge and Safari, with a strong preference on Firefox and Chrome

Mobile Device:

  • Andriod 6.0 or above

  • iOS 8 or above

  • HTML5 compatible browsers such as Edge and Safari, with a strong preference on Firefox and Chrome

Do a rehearsal or test event

To do a rehearsal of your webinar sessions you may refer to the section "Webinar Rehearsal" below.

Note: Make sure all speakers/co-host have been invited for the role. You may need to remind them that they need to log in using the invited email to be recognized as speaker/ co-host.

Register yourself for your event 

Although you can preview your event at any time by clicking Preview/Enter Event at the top of your Event Dashboard, we recommend registering as an attendee with a different email address so that you can view your event from an attendee's perspective.

Do a test run on the Backstage

Test your speakers’ AV devices Backstage or do a rehearsal before the event. You can share the backstage/rehearsal link and test it at any time before your event is live.

You may test with speakers/co-hosts using the 'same' gadget and network connection that they will be using on the event day. This is to actually see if there will be issues that can be addressed immediately before the actual event.

Feel free to reach us at for other questions and assistance.


1. Log in and Join the event as a speaker. Please refer to the steps mentioned under the previous section. 

Note: When assigned a speaker role make sure to Log in to the event using the invited email as a speaker. The system would recognize the email as a speaker and allow you to access the backstage and speaker features.

2. Features and functions available

After logging in, on the welcome page you will see your upcoming events with your role. Go to backstage button will be available for you when you are given the role as a speaker.



Once you have entered backstage, you will now have access to the features available to speakers.


What features/ functions are available for speakers?

1. Speaker can Mute/Unmute their mic

2. Speaker is able to turn on/off their own video


3. Share a PDF file (for audience viewing only)

4. Share your screen


5. Emojis- speakers can also send reactions using the emojis below the screen


6. Check Video and Audio set up, when clicked will show you the settings for Mic and video. You can also toggle on/off Mirror my Video.


7. Public chat & Webinar chat- you may reply, interact or send a message to both Public chat and webinar chat group even when you are the speaker.


8. Q&A- Speakers also have the access to accept or decline a question from attendees. When a question is accepted then it will be shown under Q&A questions. The participant who sent the question will see the status as Pending, accepted or declined. 

Speakers can also send in Q&A questions that could be directed to other speakers, Host or co-hosts.


9. Polling- Speakers are able to create their own Poll during webinar sessions. They can also 'delete' a poll they have created by clicking the trash bin icon as shown below.

Note: Scheduled polling is not supported at the moment.


10. Raise hand function- Speakers have the access to accept or reject an attendee who used the raise hand function to join a discussion or to answer a question during a webinar session.

Only one participant can be accepted at a time.


11. Third-party Integrations- speakers also have access to use the third party integration during the webinar sessions which includes Google Docs sharing, Kahoot and Kudo (Enterprise Plan)

For more detail on how to use the three features visit: Third-Party Integrations for Webinars


12. Other functions found in the lower right corner include Mute/unmute audio, Video Quality setting and full-screen setting. The record function is only accessible to the organizer.


13. Background Effects- Change or blur your background on screen using the background effects feature.

  • This is only available on the Chrome browser for computers/Laptop
  • It's not available in other non-Chrome browsers & mobile
  • You can choose from 3 levels of blur background.
  • There are 5 default virtual backgrounds to pick from.
  • You can also upload your customized virtual background







Screen Sharing & PDF Sharing During Livestreaming Session

When doing live session, it is common to share materials to your audience. There are two kinds of material available for you to share screen.

Steps to share screen

Step 1: Click on share screen button on the bottom of the settings.

Step 2: Select the type you would like to share: Share your browser screen or pdf file from your computer.

Share browser screen

After you click on Share Screen, the browser pops up to select entire screen, window (if you have more than one monitors) or browser tab.

Share PDF file

Select the pdf file from your computer. The pdf will display in EventX Livestreaming, you can control pages directly on it.


You can share screen before start session so that your audience see your material shared directly

Playing A Video During A Webinar Livestreaming Session

For Host

The host can upload videos in advance via Video Library. Videos can be used during a webinar session when doing presentations.

Note: Video played from the library is only available to the host. Speakers and attendees on the stage are not able to use this feature. Recommended encoding settings for the video with format MP4(video codec: H.464), Bitrate(less than 2000kbps), Resolutions(less than or equal to 720p).

Steps to upload and play videos

Step 1: Go to the event portal, click Video Library on the left sidebar.


Step 2: Click Upload Video to select video(s) to be uploaded.


Step 3: After successful upload, the video will appear in Video Library as well as in all Webinar Sessions on the event site.


Step 4: In each Webinar Session, you can find "Videos" tab on the right side bar. Click on the tab and then click on Play Video anytime.

For Speakers

To share a video as a speaker, there are 3 ways to play a video using a Share screen.

  1. Share the entire screen
  2. Share a Window
  3. Share a Chrome Tab

Step 1: One method to share the video is to upload video in Google Drive before live session starts and open it when sharing your screen. Speakers can also share the video that has been downloaded to their laptop via screen share.

Step 2: In Webinar Session, click on share screen button at the bottom of the settings and select "Share Screen".


Step 3: Click on Chrome Tab and select the tab with video. Remember to allow the "Also share system audio". 

Step 4: Play the video from the tab shared

Step 5: When the video finished playing, click Stop Sharing. Please be reminded that the hosts are able to stop the sharing and can share their own tab instead.

Webinar Rehearsal

The rehearsal mode allows the Hosts and Speakers to walk through the webinar proceedings before the session goes live on the event live day. They can also test the audio and video quality, webinar features like a screen share, PDF file share, emojis, video playing.

Important Reminder:

  • Chatroom, session recording and Session Replays are disabled in the rehearsal mode.

  • The rehearsal function is only available to EventX webinar live streaming tool.

  • Third-party webinar tools such as YouTube, Zoom and Vimeo are not supported.

  • Rehearsal mode will not be visible after the "end session" has already been clicked

  • When conducting a rehearsal and organizer suddenly adds a new speaker who just signed up to join the rehearsal, the Host needs to RESTART the rehearsal session to accommodate the new speaker. If not restarted the speaker will only see and hear the current rehearsal but current participants in the rehearsal room will not be able to see the new speaker joiner.

  • To have the best webinar experience and avoid audio issues we highly recommend using headphones or headset with external mic when joining or speaking for a webinar session.
  • When encountering connectivity issues in joining a webinar, you may refer to the Checking The Current Bandwidth On Your Device section above.

To run a rehearsal, the Organizer needs to turn on "Allow special role entering the event anytime before the event starts" under the Event setting page "Basic Event info" section so that speakers can enter the event before the event starts time to join the rehearsal.

Steps for conducting a webinar rehearsal

Step 1: Go to the Webinar sessions tab and pick the webinar session you'd like to have a rehearsal. Click on 'Rehearsal'

Step 2: A pop-up box appears once your webinar session started or you enter the rehearsal mode before. (There will not be a pop-up message if you are running the rehearsal for the first time. Step 2 will be skipped and move on to Step 3.)

Step 3: It will now lead the host to a rehearsal window. The host needs to copy the link on top and send it to the speakers who will have the rehearsal with the host.


Step 4: Speakers who join the rehearsal will need to:

a. Login to the event platform with the same email and password they sign up as a speaker before

b. Click the rehearsal link shared by the host to enter the rehearsal session after they login to the event platform

The Sidebar:
The Public chatroom, Raise hand and Video library side bar shows instructions on how to use the specific features.




Recommend Mic & Camera Setting

Helpful Tips:

Before joining an event, we recommend testing your Mic and Webcam to check if it is working properly and configured correctly. To test your Mic visit: To test your webcam visit:


When you find your camera is not working, try to follow the checklist below:

1. If you are using built-in camera, check that your camera indicator light is on.

2. If you are using webcam, check if the light is on and set it as input method.

3. Check that your camera has nothing blocked (e.g. tape on the camera).

4. Check if you have granted access for the camera for livestream and networking in video.

5. Re-enter the event by refreshing the page and try joining the live session or networking table again.


If you find the microphone volume indicator has no response, try to follow the checklist below: 

  1. Check the mic is not muted. You may also test your audio in Audio & Camera Setup to check if it is working.

  2. Check if you have granted access for the microphone for livestream and networking in video call.


  3. Re-enter the event by refreshing the page and try joining the live session or networking table again.

Security & Privacy Computer settings in Mac for Google Chrome, IE, Firefox

When joining a webinar session using your webcam and mic make sure to check the following settings on your Laptop or PC using Mac OS.

1. Go to System preferences and then click Security & Privacy

2. Under the Privacy tab you are able to check the Camera and Microphone settings.

3. Click the lock icon on the lower left to make changes to the privacy settings.

4. Make sure the browser you are using is checked to allow using the Mic and camera.

5. If changes has been made, click the lock icon to set the changes.


Security & Privacy Computer settings in Windows

When using Windows Laptop/ Computer to join a webinar session. You may check Security & Privacy settings for Camera/Mic.

1. Go to Start > Settings > Privacy > Camera/Microphone


2. Make sure the camera/mic settings are turned ON




Camera/ Mic Settings using Google Chrome 

When joining a webinar session using a Camera & Mic on Google chrome, you need to take note of some points on the browser.

1. Make sure the camera and mic are not blocked. To check, find the small mic/camera icon at the end of the URL address line.


2. Clicking the icon allows you to block or unblock the mic/camera.

Note: In some cases, you would need to refresh the browser for new settings to take place.


Camera/ Mic Settings using Safari

Upon entering a webinar session, a prompt will be shown giving you the option to change  the  camera/mic settings. Pick Allow.


You will also see the status of the camera and mic at the end of the Safari address bar



Camera/ Mic Settings using Firefox 

When joining the webinar sessions using Firefox browser, take note of the following settings on the browser.

Once you enter the webinar session, you will receive a prompt asking to Block or Allow Mic and Camera.



Once you have entered the webinar session, you may also see the status or mic/camera before the address bar.


Camera/ Mic Settings using Microsoft Edge (ME) 

In joining a webinar session via ME. Once you enter the webinar session, you will receive a prompt asking to Block or Allow Mic and Camera.


Once you have entered the webinar session, you will also see the status of Mic/Camera after the address bar.



Third-party Integrations

When creating a webinar session, depending on your current plan, you may have access using the following Third-Party Integrations which can be found under Webinar session information.

If you are interested to use KUDO or Interprefy (on-demand for Enterprise Plan only) , please contact our Sales Team.


When any of the third-party integrations are enabled. The integration icon will be shown on the sidebar once you enter the webinar session.



Kahoot! is a game-based learning platform, used as educational technology. To join a Kahoot game, you would need to input a game pin that would come from the Host or Organizer before you can start joining the game.


After successfully, entering you are now ready to play the game with other joiners.


Once the game host starts the game you will be able to start answering too.

Attendee view during EventX webinar using Kahoot 


Google Docs

Share google docs to viewers and allow them to see real-time edits to your documents. Sharing the docs does not allow them to download but for viewing purposes only.

Step 1: To use this feature, make sure to enable it by toggling on Google Docs under Third-party integrations settings.

Step 2: In the webinar session, click on the share icon and pick google docs.


Step 3: Add the google doc URL then click share document.


Step 4: Your document is now being viewed by the webinar attendees. Attendees could even view your edits in real-time.

NOTE: This is a view-only and does not allow attendees to download the file.



KUDO (For Livestreaming Module)

If you have integrated your Kudo into your webinar session, you can offer multi-lingual simultaneous interpretations to your audience in the webinar session.

To integrate KUDO: 

Step 1: Subscribe KUDO service plan based on your needs

Step 2: Enable KUDO under "Third Party Integration" in the webinar session

Step 3: Add the KUDO widget id


Step 4: Attendees will find KUDO integration in the sidebar in a particular webinar session. They can mute the session audio button to listen to the interpreter.

NOTE: iPhone users will not be able to see the mute/unmute session audio button.


Slido is an audience interaction platform that can be integrated into live and virtual events. Some of the main ways Slido can be integrated include:

1. Q&A - Host an interactive question and answer session. Attendees submit questions via the Slido mobile app or event website which are then voted on and answered by speakers.

2. Polls - Create single choice or multiple choice polls to survey attendees. Poll results are displayed in real-time on a public slide that all attendees can see updating live as votes come in.

Input the Slido event hash in EventX session integration box.


Starting A Live Session Using EventX Livestreaming Tool And Third Party Webinar Tools


  1. For events with a large portion of attendees viewing the livestreaming session from China, it is recommended to use EventX Livestreaming Tool
  2. For events that require prefessional shooting for the live sessions, it is recommended to engage with a production house. EventX will then discuss with the production house regarding the steps to connect the camera input to our platform. 
Steps to start a Live Session using different webinar tools

EventX Livestreaming tool (Deprecated)

Step 1: To go to Webinar Session Backstage, click on Go Backstage on the event portal or event site

In the Event Portal:

On the event site:

When in the backstage of the webinar, host and speakers can see and talk with each other (if the mic and speaker are enabled on both sides) before the session is live. The session will automatically start recording when the session starts if the session recording function was turned on.

Important reminder:

  • The maximum recording hour of a live webinar is up to 24 hours
  • After enabling session recording, when the live webinar starts, the live recording will also begins.
  • If the host will start the live webinar session for rehearsal, please pause the session to avoid continuous recording after the rehearsal
  • The host can restart the session before the session live to resume the recording

Step 2: If everything is ready to be visible to the audience, click on Start Session and a 10 seconds countdown will start before the webinar session goes live.



Once the webinar is live, all users will see the LIVE label shown on the bottom left corner


Step 3: If the session period takes a break in the middle of the session, click on Pause Session anytime. Both host and speakers will be temporarily brought to backstage, attendees will see the black screen during the pause session.


Attendee view:


Step 4: Host and speaker can enable/disable "Raise Hand" and "Emoji" functions by clicking the setting button.



Step 5: After clicking the setting button, you can enable/disable "Raise Hand" and "Emoji" functions. You can also check Video and Audio set up here.

After clicking on the Check Video & Audio Setup, you will see
  1. The audio source you are using
  2. The video source that you will be using
  3. The toggle to preview your video before joining the webinar
  4. The option to toggle ON or OFF mirror your video
  5. Background effects 

Step 6: To pin a speaker on the spotlight, just click on the Pin Video icon.

NOTE: Using Pin video would allow the spotlight to be on a specific speaker and will refrain from switching the video when someone speaks.


To remove the spotlight from the current speaker just click on unpin video.


Step 7: When the Live session is ongoing, the host can mute the speakers by clicking the icon beside the speaker's name.

Then, the host would see the microphone icon crossed out.

In the speaker's view, a message pops up "You are being muted by the host."

However, the host cannot unmute the speakers by himself. The host needs to click "Ask To Unmute" to request the speaker to unmute their mic.

After the host asks to unmute, the speakers will receive a prompt message "The host would like you to unmute." The speakers can choose "Click To Unmute" or "Stay Muted".

Besides, the speakers also can unmute themselves by clicking the microphone icon.

Step 8: Attendees can raise hand to request to speak. When they click raise hand, the host will be able to view the request under "Raised Hand". The host can choose to Reject or Accept the request. Once the participant is done speaking, the host can click "Remove from Stage". 

Step 9: If the session is finished, click on End Session.



  • The period between pause and resume session will not be recorded.
  • If the session is overrunning and out of the scheduled session period, all attendees inside the session will not be kicked out when the session end time is up, but attendees outside the session will not be able to enter.
  • After clicking End Session, host cannot start the session again.


When using Youtube as a webinar tool:

Step 1: Choose Third party tools.

Step 2: Click on Youtube 

Step 3: Insert the URL link in the box provided.

Step 4: Don't forget to click Create or Save at the bottom.

Note: When using third-party tools, the start session button does not apply. Using youtube, the video will become immediately available and accessible once you add and save the URL.

 Attendee View


To start a live session using Zoom:

After creating a session, under webinar session information.

Step 1: Choose Third-party tool under Webinar tools.

Step 2: Click the Zoom button.

Step 3:  Insert zoom URL Link for the session.

Step 4: Don't forget to click Create or Save at the bottom.

Attendee view

Once attendee clicks on watch now they will see this page. Attendee clicks Join now.

Note: When using third-party tools, the start session button does not apply. Using Zoom, the session starts after the host opens and starts the Zoom session.


To start a live session using Vimeo:

After creating a session, under webinar session information.

Step 1: Choose a Third-party tool under Webinar tools.

Step 2: Click the Vimeo button. 

Step 3: Insert Vimeo URL Link for the session.

Step 4: Don't forget to click Create or Save.

Attendee view



To create a session using the third-party tool Dacast:

Step1: Choose Third-party tool under Webinar tools.

Step 2: Click the Dacast button. 

Step 3: Insert Dacast content ID for the session.

Step 4: Don't forget to click Create session or update.

Attendee view

After attendee clicks on Watch now under Schedule Page, they will immediately be brought to the LIVE webinar session running via Dacast.



Microsoft Teams

On the Organiser side


 On the attendee side, they can click this button to join the Microsoft Teams Webinar

Recording A Livestreaming Session

To be able to watch or review previous webinar sessions to see how everything went, Organizers can choose to toggle on the Session recording function or enable Session Replay before the session starts. This would also allow viewers to re-watch the session.

Important reminder:

  • The maximum recording hour of a live webinar is up to 24 hours
  • After enabling session recording, when the live webinar started, the live recording will also start.
  • If the host will start the live webinar session for rehearsal, please pause the session to avoid continuous recording after the rehearsal
  • The host can restart the session before the session live to resume the recording
  • Once a webinar session has already started the organizer cannot update the session recording toggle on or off.

This can be done under the Edit webinar session page.

  1. Enable session recording by toggling on Session Recording before the webinar sessions start.
  2. Check the box beside Enable Session Replay to allow viewers to re-watch the session. 
If you want to hide or show  a specific recording from showing as a replay, toggle on/off the live recording under Hide from Replay list column on Live Recordings.

Attendee view with Session replay enabled
Attendee view when Session replay is disabled

Download The Livestreaming Recording

If the organizer has turned on the recording toggle from EventX live streaming tool backstage before the event start, you would be able to download them after it has been processed.

Important reminder:

  • The maximum recording hour of a live webinar is up to 24 hours
  • After enabling session recording, when the live webinar started, the live recording will also start.
  • If the host will start the live webinar session for rehearsal, please pause the session to avoid continuous recording after the rehearsal
  • The host can restart the session before the session live to resume the recording

Note: The Webinar Live Tool recorded video might take up to 24 hours to process depending on the length of the recording.

- To download, click on the "Live Recordings" tab, and you may see the recorded session.

- Find the session name from the list, click on the arrow under actions to see the download button.

After clicking the arrow, the file will start downloading to your computer.