Activate Role Flow For Special Roles (Host, speaker, booth exhibitor/representative)

Activate Role Flow For Special Roles (Host, speaker, booth exhibitor/representative)

The EventX system will create an account for newly added special roles such as hosts, speakers, booth exhibitors and booth representatives. The login flow will be as shown below. 
  1. You will receive an invitation email containing the assigned role and the Activate Role button.

  2. To activate the role, click on Activate Role. Once clicked, you will be directed to the Log In page. 

  3. To create a password, click Forgot Password. To skip creating a password and directly proceed to the registration form, click Email Me A Login Link.
    1. By clicking Forgot Password
      1. You will be directed to enter your email address and click Send Verification Code.

      2. By clicking Send Verification Code, you will receive an email containing the code as below.

      3. Enter the verification code, enter your new password and click Reset Password. Once succcessful, there will be a pop-up message on the top right corner of the screen and you will then be directed to the Log In page. Simply enter your new password and click Log In.

    2. By clicking Email Me A Login Link.
      1. You will be directed to enter your email address and click Send Login Link.
      2. A login link that is valid for 15-minutes will be sent to the entered email address. Note that the 15-minute time window is the valid period of the link. It is not the period that the user can be within the event site.
      3. By clicking Log in Now, you will be directed to the registration form.

  4. Once you have logged in, you will have to fill up the registration form prepared by the organizer. Once done, click Register.

  5. Once registered, you will be logged into your EventX account where you are able to view all the upcoming events. To navigate the events that you are hosting, managing, exhibiting or attending, simply click on the highlighted tabs as shown below.  

    Note: If your account is associated with multiple organizations, click on the dropdown menu to select the organization.

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