Organizer Portal Guide

Organizer Portal Guide

Once you have logged into your EventX account, you will be directed to the organizer portal page. This article covers the features present on the organizer portal.

Help Chat 

By clicking on the Help Chat button, you can choose to contact our support team either through WhatsApp or Chat. 


Click on the globe icon to select the language of the portal.

Updating User Profile 

To update your user profile, click on the profile icon and select Update My Profile. Once the edits are complete, click Save.



Under Events, you will be able to view all the events that you are hosting, managing, exhibiting and attending. 


Under the Webinar tab, you will be able to view the upcoming and past webinars that you are involved in.

Team Management 

Under the Team Management tab, you will be able to add organization managers. Organization managers will be able to access and edit events under the entire organization while event managers are only able to access and edit a particular event that they have been added to. 

Organization Details 

Organizers will be able to change the organization name under this section. Note that the organization name is limited to 60 characters. Once the name has been input, click Submit.


The tools that have been integrated with your account will be listed under the Integrations tab. Organizers can disconnect the integrations if necessary by clicking on the Disconnect button.

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