Product Catalog

Product Catalog

To add products and set up product categories for your event, please follow the steps detailed below.

Set Up Product Category

Step 1: Go to the Categories page under Product List, then click "+ Add Parent Category".

Step 2: Fill in the parent category name. If your event has multi-language content, you will have to add the translations manually by clicking the language tab and adding the parent category in different languages. Once done, click on the Add button.

Note: You can add a maximum number of 60 characters for the category name. For fields that are not translated, the empty fields under other languages will fall back to the default language

Step 3: After creating the parent category, the organizer can remove the parent category by clicking the delete button. The organizer can edit the category name by clicking the edit button.

The organizer can click the "+" button to create the child category.

Step 4: If the organizer would like to create a child category, simply click on the "+"icon. The organizer can then fill in the child category name similar to the steps above. By clicking the language tab, organizers can add the child category name in different languages.

Note: Organizers can add a maximum number of 60 characters for the category name. The empty field under other languages will fall back to the default language. 

Step 5: The organizer can remove the child category by clicking the delete icon and edit the category name by clicking the edit icon. To reorder the category list, the organizer can drag and drop the highlighted button below.

Step 6: On the product page on the event site, attendees can click the parent category. Once clicked, a filter will shown on the left where they can apply the filter to view the corresponding products.



Remark: Once a filter is selected on the event site, the information will be displayed on the product page URL. If the attendee proceeds to share this URL to another person, the filter selected will also be shown on the newly opened tab. 

Adding Products

Step 1: Go to the Products page under Product List, then click "+ Add a Product"

Step 2: Fill in the following fields and click Save once it is done:

  • Product Name (Maximum characters: 250)
  • Product State
    • Toggle on to allow it to be visible to all attendees.
  • Product Summary (Optional field, Maximum characters: 200)
  • Category (Optional field, select the categories set on the category page)
  • Product Feature Images
    - Must upload at least 1 image/video
    - Recommended Dimension 1920x1080px (16:9) & Maximum image upload size:2 MB
    - Maximum video upload size: 50MB
    - 5 images/ video Maximum in total
  • Product Thumbnail (Optional field, maximum file size limit is 2MB)
  • Product Description (Optional)
  • Downloadable Files (Optional, Maximum upload size:10 MB)

Step 3: To add product content for different languages, please click on the edit icon and click "Edit Content Language".

After adding the content, click the "Save" button.

Step 4: The organizer can remove the product by clicking the delete button. The organizer can edit the product details by clicking the edit button. To reorder the product list, the organizer can drag the hamburger icon and drop it to the desired order.

Choose to publish or unpublish a specific product by using the toggle button found on Product list page or on Edit product page.

Step 5: All the created products will be shown on the event product page


Step 6: By clicking the product image from the product page, attendees can find the product details under a specific product.


Product Detail Field

Organizers are able to add custom fields into the product page of each product. To do so, follow the steps below. 
  1. Go to Product List > Product Detail Field > Click Add Detail Field

  2. Select from the list of 5 custom fields. 

  3. Input the necessary information for the selected custom field and click Save.

  4. To edit or delete the custom field created, click on the icon shown below. 

  5. To input details into the created custom fields under the respective products, go to Products and click on the edit icon for the product that you would like to edit. 

  6. Enter the details for the custom field question and click Save.

  7. On the event site, the custom field will be shown under Product Details.

Product Catalog Management Control

By default, the system allows booth exhibitors to create and manage products under their booths while products will also be displayed in product catalogues. The organizer can disable the setting on the Product catalog management control page.

Step 1: Click "Advance settings" on product categories or products page

Step 2: If the toggle is on, meaning it allows exhibitors to create and manage products under their booths.

There is a Product tab on the booth set-up portal for exhibitors to create the products under the booth.

If the toggle is off, meaning it does not allow exhibitors to create and manage products under their booths.

There will be no product tab under the exhibitor booth set-up portal, the exhibitor can only set the booth design and add booth content.

Step 3: Click the "Save" button the save any changes.

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