Bulk Update on Attendee Fields

Bulk Update on Attendee Fields

We fully understand the importance of efficiently managing attendee information. To simplify this process, we are excited to introduce a new feature that allows event organizers to update attendee information in bulk using CSV templates. This feature will save you time and effort by enabling you to make changes to attendee details offline and then seamlessly upload the revised file to our platform.

  • Time-Saving: Updating attendee information individually can be time-consuming, especially for events with a large number of attendees. With the bulk CSV upload feature, you can make updates to multiple attendee records simultaneously, significantly reducing the time and effort required.
  • Error Prevention: Following the headers in the template ensures that the updated CSV file aligns with the required format. This helps prevent errors and ensures that the information is accurately updated in the system.
  • Seamless Integration: The feature supports all types of attendee fields, and various types of fields, including Single Choice, Multiple Choice, and Dropdown. When updating choice type fields, the existing options will be mapped automatically, ensuring consistency and accuracy in attendee information.

To update attendee information using the bulk CSV upload feature, follow these steps:

1. Download the CSV Template: Click the Attendee pagethen click Bulk update, you will find the first step to Download the CSV Template.

2. Edit the attendee list in the CSV file. With this template, you can manage and update the attendee information.

Note: Do not revise the file Header and the first Row. However, you can always remove the other irrelevant columns if you do not have information to be updated. 

3. Upload the CSV file. After you have uploaded the attendee list, the platform will help validate the Header Row and the attendee ID to see if those header & ID match the correct date of the system.

  1. If the file is ready to import, simply click on Confirm.
  2. If there are failed records, you can click on Download Fail Record to view the reason of failure. You may refer to this article on downloading fail records and corresponding failed reasons.  

Note: Supported fields when bulk updating:

Basic fields Custom fields
  • Name
  • Email (only for In-person events)
  • Job
  • Company
  • Phone
  • Country
    • Short text
    • Long text
    • Single choices 
    • Multiple choices
    • Consent
    • Dropdown


  • Bulk update for email address is only available for In-person events. 
  • No limitation on the field number
  • Import 1,000 attendees at a time, if you need to update more than 1000 attendees' info, please upload the CSV file separately 
  • File size should be within 20MB
  • Text type field (short text / long text): no characters limitation
  • Consent field (consent text): only the content with "yes" will map to yes, otherwise map to "fail"
    • eg. if input  "YES" / "yes" / "Yes" will map to "yes"
    • eg. if input  "no" / "n" / "yess" or any other characters that do not strictly match "yes" will map to "no"
  • Selection type field (single choice / multiple choice/ dropdown):
    • the content should map to the existing options
    • for multiple choices, use ";" as a delimiter
    • options uploaded are mapped by options ID, which supports i18n if the translations of the options are set up on the platform. 

With the new bulk CSV upload feature, updating attendee information has never been easier. By leveraging this functionality, you can save time, work offline, and ensure data accuracy. Enjoy the convenience of managing attendee details in bulk, making your event organization pro cess more efficient and seamless. 



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