Tracking sent Emails

Tracking sent Emails

We understand that many of you would like to track about email delivery status for the sent emails. For that reason, email delivery tracking is now possible. You are able to keep track of email you sent to attendees with a few clicks, that means you can ensure all attendees receive important information from you.

2 Ways to Check the Email status

1. Check status from Email or Email Notification tab on Menu

A. First is to click “Email or Email Notification” on the menu, and you can find “here” in red color on the left hand side to start tracking. 


B. After clicking here, a side bar on the right will pop up. You may select the email type you'd like to check.


C. After loading the results, click on the check status button beside the email you want to check to view the result.


2. Check status on Attendee list Page

A. Click “Attendee List” on the sidebar, move your mouse to your selected attendee and then you can see “Check Email History” by clicking 3 dot on the right hand side.


B. “Check Email Delivery Status” sidebar pops up, then you need to select Email Type, Participants and click “Check Now” for status checking .


C. After loading the results, click on the check status button beside the email you want to check to view the result.


Email Delivery Statuses

  • Sent Successfully
  • No Records found
  • Failed to send

Delivery status will be displayed after clicking Check Status button and it will show as follows:



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