Use Case : Adding a calendar link as a button in the email template

Use Case : Adding a calendar link as a button in the email template

In certain cases, organizers might want to add the calendar link as a button in the email template. If so, please be reminded that the event date and time that is set on the EventX portal page will not be automatically reflected on the calendar link that is created externally. 


  1. If there are any changes to the event date and time, please remember to update the calendar link so that it reflects the updated date and time.
  1. You may use websites such as or anything similar to generate a calendar link with the event details. 
  2. If you would like to use the existing button, click on the button and paste the calendar link into the URL section as shown below. 

  3. To add a new button, drag and drop the BUTTON content block and paste the calendar link as shown in step 2.

  1. Click on the button to view the URL. Then, change the URL to one with the updated date & time.