Use Case : How To View Daily Attendance On EventX Check-in App

Use Case : How To View Daily Attendance On EventX Check-in App

For events that span across multiple days, the organizer might want to have a daily check-in procedure to record attendance. This can be done by following the steps detailed below: 
  1. Create the desired number of breakout sessions under In-person Check-in on the organizer portal. Click Add Session to add a new breakout session.
    For example, if the event is 3 days, create 3 breakout sessions and name them accordingly. 

  2. Input the session name and set the period that the session will be valid for. Once done, click Create & Next.

  3. Select the participants that will be in the breakout session and click Save once done. 

    1. All participants : All attendees on the attendee list will be listed in the breakout session. 
    2. Attendees with specific criteria 
      1. Select Criteria - Organizers can select the attendees based on the custom field question responses, ticket type and tags. 
      2. Manually Select Attendee - Organizers can select the attendee by selecting them one by one.

  4. In the Check-in App, select the created breakout session under Sessions to check-in the attendees accordingly. 

  5. To view the number of attendees that have been checked-in to the breakout session, click on the Attended filter.
    Note: Please ensure that you are in the right breakout session by checking on the name indicated next to Sessions.

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