Use Google Analytics to make attendee traceability possible to organiser

Use Google Analytics to make attendee traceability possible to organiser

Apart from sharing the Google Analytics (GA) or Google Tag Manager (GTM) with EventX to track the activities on EventX platform, organisers can also use their own GA to trace attendee activities via different channels, device and browsers. Here are some tips on how to do it and a sample report on the tracking result.

Guide to Setup Event Tracking in Google Analytics 

Step 1

  • Open GA:
  • Paths:All accounts>eSaaS Event Siter>User ID View 

Step 2

  • Left menu path:Behavior>Site Content>Content Drilldown>page path level 1(chose /e/)



Step 3

  • Copy the event ID from EventX virtual event platform
  • Paste into the search box on the right and click Search
  • Left side secondary, search for Campaign, click to select Campaign





Step 4

  • Select the date you want to analyse
  • Export>Select the format you want to export to


Step 5

Open the downloaded file and switch tab to Dataser1 to see the user traceability data(Unique Pageviews)


Sample report: 






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