Email Setup
Copy/Paste An Email Template
You can now copy and paste an email template or content from and to: One event to another in the same or different Organization Across event Manual to Automated email template Across event Automated to Manual email template Just click Advance ...
Use Case: How to edit images within a HTML email template?
In some cases, organizers would like to use their own email templates that have already been built. This can be done by embedding the HTML code into our email editor. However, if there are images within the HTML code, it might not be shown. Please ...
Use Case: How to avoid emails from going to the spam folder?
You may use this tool to check if the sender domain and content is in high score. Copy the email address on the tool and send a test email in EventX. Example of good reputation. (Sender Email: ...
Viewing Email History
After each email is sent out successfully, organizers are able to view the email history for both automated and manual emails. The email history can be downloaded as proof to show that the emails have been sent out by the organizer. Automated Emails ...
Automated Email
Video Guide To view the video recording for the automated email feature, please click on this link . Important Remarks Our system is able to support up to a maximum of 30,000 emails on one single send. This takes into account both manual and ...
Manual Email
Video Guide For a video recording on the manual email feature, please click this link. Important Remarks Our system is able to support up to a maximum of 30,000 emails on one single send. This takes into account both manual and automated emails. ...
Opened and Clicked Rates
How are open rates measured? In order to track if an attendee has opened the email, a tiny transparent image is inserted in our email template. Once the attendee opens the email, the image will be loaded by the email client, therefore, making it ...
Unable To View Check-in QR Code In Confirmation / Reminder Emails
If you are using Outlook or Hotmail, there is a chance that the Check-in QR Code image in the confirmation or reminder emails ends up being blocked as shown in the images above. This happens when the content is being blocked by the email client ...
Secondary Email Feature
Newly created events after Jan 15, 2024 will consist of the Secondary Email feature where organizers and attendees can input up to 5 secondary email addresses. The secondary email addresses that has been input will receive a carbon copy (cc) of all ...
Broadcast - Email
Manual Email To know more regarding our manual email feature, please refer to this article. Automated Email To know more regarding our automated email feature, please refer to this article.
How To Turn On/Off Automated Reminder Emails
Under certain conditions, organizers may want to disable the automated reminder emails from being sent out. To do so: Go to Email > Select Automated Email > Scroll down and you will see the Reminder (24 Hour) and Reminder (1 Hour) email template ...
Adding Ticket Class Name To Email Template
In some cases, organizers might want to include the name of the ticket that the attendee has purchased into the email template. Organizers can do so by including the "ticketClassName" merge tag. The "ticketClassName" merge tag can be included in both ...
How to Add Custom Field Merge Tags for Automated Email
How to use custom field merge tags in an automated email template? Go to Email > Select Automated Email > Select a Template > Hover over the right side of the template row and click the edit icon Drag & drop a new text field or click on exisiting ...
EventX Daily Digest Emails
EventX Daily Digest emails are automatically sent by EventX to notify key individuals on the event updates such as the total event registrants to-date. Currently, these automated emails will be sent to: The Organization Admin - The email address used ...
Troubleshooting Email Delivery Issues When Logs Show Successful Sending
EventX email system records the full logs for all your sending email. You can always locate the email campagin sending logs with success, failure status and reason. If the EventX logs indicate the emails were sent successfully, here are some ...
Email Templates
Listed below are the email templates that can be edited by the organizer. For more information on how to edit the email templates, please refer to this article. Invitation Email To Attendee To Host/Speaker/Exhibitor/Booth Rep To Event Manager RSVP ...
Merge Tag
This article will go through how to use merge tags and their respective definitions to help organizers create personalized content. How to add a merge tag? In the email editor for both manual and automated emails, click on an existing field or insert ...
Email Statistics & Resend
Email Statistics Our platform integrates with Sendgrid to provide detailed email statistics for each campaign. After an email has been sent, the email statistics can be previewed on the right side of the automated and manual emails. The statistics ...
Attaching the ics calendar file to the Manual Email campaigns
An ics file enables recipients to save the event details outlined in your email directly to their own digital calendar. Whether they use Google Calendar, Outlook, iCalendar or another calendar service, recipients can simply click to download the ics ...
Tracking sent Emails
We understand that many of you would like to track about email delivery status for the sent emails. For that reason, email delivery tracking is now possible. You are able to keep track of email you sent to attendees with a few clicks, that means you ...
Send Invitation, Confirmation & Reminder via SMS
Remarks Using SMS to send the notifications cannot disable sending the email notification. Organizers may opt to use email only or Email and SMS as event delivering methods but cannot choose SMS only for event delivering methods By default invited ...
Customize Email Templates for the Event
It is necessary to send different types of emails to your target audience when hosting an event. In the event portal, email layouts can be edited and a preview is available. Important Reminder: Please note that the organizer is only allowed to edit ...
Can I embed a map in email content, say a Google Map link?
If you need to include a map link in your email content, you can simply copy and paste the link into a text box.
How can I create a table in email?
Using HTML code to create table in your email content If you need to display information in table format, you will need to create a table by HTML codes. Steps: 1. Go to the email and click Edit message to edit the email content. 2. Drag-and-drop the ...
Can I change "Reply to" email for my email?
Yes, you can. The default "reply to" email would be the system login email. You can change the email address that you would like to receive the reply email. For "reply to": when your guest receives the email, and if they click "reply" on their email ...