Event Setup User Guides
Invite your team to co-manage the event
Adding your team members to the event can help to manage your event more efficiently, please see the below steps to guide you in adding team members to your event. Step 1: Click on the Team Management tab under People, then "Add Event Manager" Step ...
Share the Event link with Participants
If you wish to share the event link with participants, follow the steps below: Step 1: Log in to your portal.eventx.io as the organizer. Step 2: Go to Event Settings Step 3: Copy the event link and share it with invitees or attendees.
Event Settings - Enable the Interaction Tools
The organizer may toggle on/off of the following: Chat function, Q&A, Polling function, 1-on-1 Video call function and meet-up function in In-event interaction control. You may find the In- event interaction control by clicking Event Settings under ...
Event Settings - Webinar View Count and People List Control
To allow other participants to see how many viewers or people are there in the event or session, use the In-event interaction Control function. Please note that the People list function applies to all roles in the event sites. You may find Event ...
Event Settings - Attendee Profile Setting
How To Set Up Fields Displayed On Attendee Profile To edit the fields showing in the attendee profile, please follow the steps below: Step 1: Click Event Settings and click Attendee Profile Setting . Step 2: You can select/unselect the check box to ...
Event Settings - Social sharing
Providing information for social sharing to attract the audience to join your event while sharing your event link to the social media platform eg. LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter etc. Organizers may customize the event information for sharing on the ...
Customize the Registration Form for an Event
The organizer can create and customize a registration form in Registration Form tab located in Event Settings. Step 1: Switch on the toggle "Enable Registration Form". Step 2: There are six default fields on the form builder: Full name Job title ...
Broadcast announcements in the Event
If you wish to give attendees a welcome message or remind attendees to join the webinar, etc, you can broadcast an announcement by clicking the "notification" button which can be found on the right-hand corner. The organizer may create the message ...
Event Settings - Basic Event info
In order to edit the basic information of an event, simply click Event Settings and then Basic Event Info. If you would like to copy the event link and share it to social media or other communication channels, simply click on the copy icon next to ...
Add multi-lingual content
To cater to your global audience, you may add different translations for your content in multiple languages under General Settings. To add multiple language content for your event, follow these steps: Steps For Organizers Step 1: Go to Event Settings ...
Supported Languages
The multi-lingual feature enables organizers to display their event content in multiple languages which will be available for attendees to view when joining the event. The languages supported are: English Chinese (Traditional) Chinese (Simplified) ...
Networking Lounge
The Networking Lounge is a great way to socialize with other attendees. Have a real-time chat or video call by joining a specific room in the newly added feature networking lounge. About Networking Lounge Attendees can join via desktop or mobile ...