Creating multiple registration form

Creating multiple registration form

As an event organizer, setting up multiple registration forms for an event is an essential part of the planning process. EventX 2.0 event management platform offers support for multiple registration forms setup, making it easier for organizers to manage attendees' data.

1. Customization: You can create separate forms for attendees, sponsors, and speakers. This customization helps to streamline the registration process and make it easier for attendees to sign up for the event.

2. Data Collection and Management: Each form can collect specific information about attendees, which can be used for different purposes. For instance, you can use data collected from sponsors to plan for future events or to personalize communication with them.

3. Improved Attendee Experience: Multiple registration forms help to improve the attendee experience by providing a tailored registration process. Attendees can quickly and easily register for the event, without having to go through irrelevant questions or sections. This helps to create a positive impression of the event, which can lead to repeat attendance in the future.

4. Better Marketing: You can use a registration form for sponsors to communicate sponsorship opportunities and benefits. This targeted approach is more effective than a general message and helps to increase attendance and sponsorship.

How to Set Up Multiple Registration Forms on EventX 2.0

1 Add a new form. There will be a default registration form that comes with each newly created event. To add a new form, go to Registration Form > Click "Create New Form" on the top right corner.

2 Name your registration form. The name will help you identify the forms for different channels sharing (e.g., attendee, sponsor, speaker).

3 Add questions. Customize the registration form by adding and removing questions.
  1. To add new custom fields, click "Manage Fields" > Click "Add New Field"
  2. Attendees can now fill in their first and last name separately when registering through the registration form. Please refer to this article for more information.
    1. For Traditional Chinese, Simplified Chinese, Korean & Japanese names, the order of the attendee name on the attendee list will be "Last Name + First Name".
    2. For English names, the order of the attendee name will be "First Name + Last Name". 
Note: Organizers can also mark a question as required by toggling on the "Required" toggle.

4 Create the registration form. Click Create to save your registration form and repeat the process to create additional forms for different types of attendees.


Upcoming releases

Given multiple registration forms are supported, we will also launch the Question Library to consolidate the custom questions, which allow organisers to assign the required questions to be used in multiple forms.

Before the next release, organisers need to create the same questions for multiple times if the question will be asked in different registration forms.

We hear feedback and please feel free to let us know if you need any support.

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