How speakers can navigate using EventX Webinar Live streaming tool

How speakers can navigate using EventX Webinar Live streaming tool

When speaking for an event using EventX Webinar Live streaming Tool, there are some points that need to be remembered.


  • To have a smooth, hassle-free event, ensure that everything works well before the event day. Visit this link to know how you can prepare before the event date: Ways to prepare before joining an event

1. Log in and Join the event as a speaker

To do this refer to this link: Join an Event as a Speaker

Note: When assigned a speaker role make sure to Log in to the event using the invited email as a speaker. The system would recognize the email as a speaker and allow you to access the backstage and speaker features.

2. Features and functions available

After logging in, on the welcome page you will see your upcoming events with your role. Go to backstage button will be available for you when you are given the role as a speaker.



Once you have entered backstage, you will now have access to the features available to speakers.


What features/ functions are available for speakers?

1. Speaker can Mute/Unmute their mic

2. Speaker is able to turn on/off their own video


3. Share a PDF file (for audience viewing only)

4. Share your screen


5. Emojis- speakers can also send reactions using the emojis below the screen


6. Check Video and Audio set up, when clicked will show you the settings for Mic and video. You can also toggle on/off Mirror my Video.


7. Public chat & Webinar chat- you may reply, interact or send a message to both Public chat and webinar chat group even when you are the speaker.


8. Q&A- Speakers also have the access to accept or decline a question from attendees. When a question is accepted then it will be shown under Q&A questions. The participant who sent the question will see the status as Pending, accepted or declined. 

Speakers can also send in Q&A questions that could be directed to other speakers, Host or co-hosts.


9. Polling- Speakers are able to create their own Poll during webinar sessions. They can also 'delete' a poll they have created by clicking the trash bin icon as shown below.

Note: Scheduled polling is not supported at the moment.


10. Raise hand function- Speakers have the access to accept or reject an attendee who used the raise hand function to join a discussion or to answer a question during a webinar session.

Only one participant can be accepted at a time.


11. Third-party Integrations- speakers also have access to use the third party integration during the webinar sessions which includes Google Docs sharing, Kahoot and Kudo (Enterprise Plan)

For more detail on how to use the three features visit: Third-Party Integrations for Webinars


12. Other functions found in the lower right corner include Mute/unmute audio, Video Quality setting and full-screen setting. The record function is only accessible to the organizer.


13. Background Effects- Change or blur your background on screen using the background effects feature.

  • This is only available on the Chrome browser for computers/Laptop
  • It's not available in other non-Chrome browsers & mobile
  • You can choose from 3 levels of blur background.
  • There are 5 default virtual backgrounds to pick from.
  • You can also upload your customized virtual background