Advanced Attendee Importing and Bulk Update

Advanced Attendee Importing and Bulk Update

Attendee Importing

The New Attendee Importing will be live and effective for all users after Aug 6, 2024

Our import tool helps you add or update attendee contacts in EventX. Import from upload a comma-separated value file (CSV) like Microsoft Excel or Google Sheets. You can also auto-update multiple existing attendee contacts at once.

In this article, you'll learn how to use our importing tool to add and update attendee contacts.

Before you start

The file import process has 2 parts.
  1. Prepare your own CSV of attendee contacts. (Any column format is fine)
  2. Data Mapping. Use EventX importing tool to upload your file and add your attendee contacts to the platform. 

Prepare the Attendee Contacts CSV File

Data from raw excel

Some of the Organizer might have their own guest list. You can simple save them in csv format and import it into EventX system.
  1. Clearly label each column in your import file so you can easily choose the field type during the import process. For example, if you have a column named "Contact Email Addresses," you'll know to choose the email address field type.
  2. You can arrange the columns in your file in any order.
  3. Your guest might prefer a non english name. Make sure your csv can handle international character (e.g. Chinese, Korean, Thai, Japanese or etc). We suggest to export them to UTF-8 text encoding format. (For Excel version other than this, the concept is similar)

To export your excel into csv, You can follow these steps.

For Windows user: Please be reminded to select CSV UTF-8 (Comma delimited) (*.csv) as the picture shown below
windows Microsoft excel save UTF-8 csv
For Mac User: Please be reminded to select CSV UTF-8 (Comma delimited) (*.csv) as the picture shown below
Mac Microsoft Excel UTF-8 csv

Data Mapping

Once you prepare the csv from above, you can kick start upload to EventX platform. 
import v2 step 1

Identify an unique record

When importing attendee data to EventX, it is crucial to determine how you define a unique attendee. This setting ensures that no duplications or erroneous imports occur in EventX. Most organizers prefer to use an identifiable field such as email or CRM (e.g. Salesforce) ID. However, there is also an option to select "No Unique Identifier" if attendee duplication is not a concern for your event.

Once you have chosen the unique identifier, EventX's import process will automatically reject any import files that appear to be importing duplicate entries based on the selected identifier. This helps maintain data accuracy and prevents duplication within EventX.

How to match the import

When importing contacts to EventX, it is important to properly match each column in your import file to the corresponding field in your EventX People list. This ensures that the data is imported correctly and in the desired format.
Follow these guidelines to successfully match and format your import file:

Column Mapping

Click on the header of the column you would like to import from your uploaded file.

Matching column

  1. A dialog box will appear, allowing you to select the exact field in the EventX platform where you want to import this column.
  2. You can choose from existing fields in EventX, such as email, name, organization, and more.
  3. If you need to create additional fields, you can refer to this page: Field Management Guide.
Match column dialog


We will auto tag each importing round using the imported datatime. This will be useful when you want to locate a specific importing batch. You can create your own tag for each importing round.

Special Note: You have to take more care on these fields

  1. Attendee id
    1. Attendee id is a unique id generated by EventX for bulk update. You should never create your own attendee id. This is how attendee id look like. 
  2. Email
    1. The attendee's email address serves as the primary contact point. Ensure that the email addresses provided are correct as they are essential for effective communication during the event.
  3. Name, First Name / Last Name
    1. This is the name of your attendee. You can interchange the usage of "Name," "First Name," and "Last Name" in the EventX system. In case the full name is not provided in the import, EventX will generate the full name based on the provided first name and last name.
  4. Secondary Email
    1. The secondary email field allows you to include an additional email address for attendees. This can be used to include their secretary or any other relevant contact person in the event journey. 
    2. You can provide multiple secondary email for your attendee in case if he need to provide more relevant contact person info.
  5. Area Code and Phone Number
    1. To optimize SMS delivery, it is important to provide an accurate area code and phone number for attendees.
  6. Custom Questions
    1. If you would like to make use of more information on your attendee, you can also provide your own custom questions. But before this, you have to make sure the extra information are set in the mange field function. You can refer this for more detail. Field Management Guide. In general there are only 1 type of custom field you have to take special care during the import
      1. Multiple Choice
        1. For multiple choice, you will prefer to import multiple option into 1 single attendee information. E.g. The attendee might have multiple interest for your event. In this case, you can make use of the separator to submit multiple value into attendee's interest. You can make use of a comma, semicolon or any single character to separate the option in 1 single cell. In below example, it use comma as the separator in the csv. What you have to do is just provide this comma into EventX to let the import happen  

  7. Custom QR Code
    1. You might need to have a custom QR code for your attendee, you can simple put your custom qr code into this column. This will allow the attendee to check in with this QR code String you provided here.

Bulk Update

You can bulk update attendee fields by selecting "Update any existing Contacts" during the Import step.
You can decide whether to use Attendee ID or Email address as the unique identifiers. 

The Bulk Update will be effective if you include the data column in the CSV. If you omit a data column in the CSV, that data field won't be updated during the Bulk Update process.

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